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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away

This is not your father's Christmas album. Loreena McKennitt's primary instrument is the harp, but her primary technique is to take a traditional folk song and supersize it with strings, modern rhythms, and lush orchestration. It's a style that works ideally with this material. Her takes on "The Wexford Carol" and "The Stockford Carol" will make you rethink holiday songs. Other highlights include "The Seasons" and "In Praise of Christmas," all songs that are weepy enough to please Grandma but never so sappy they sound fake. Add two cups of hot cider and a roaring fire, and this album will turn Scrooge into a fan of the season.

01 - In The Praise Of Christmas - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
02 - The Seasons - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
03 - The King - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
04 - Banquet Hall - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
05 - Snow - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
06 - Balulalow - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
07 - Let Us The Infant Greet - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
08 - The Wexford Carol - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
09 - The Stockford Carol - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3
10 - Let All That Are To Mirth Inclined - Loreena McKennitt - To Drive the Cold Winter Away.mp3

1 comment:

Deep-Solstice said...


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