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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Tin Man Series

In case you haven't heard about it. Sci-Fi did a new twist on the Wizard of Oz and I truly enjoyed the adaptation so I thought I'd share this with those of you who didn't get a chance to see this last week.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” is boldly re-imagined for the new millennium with a darkly menacing world populated by wicked sisters, cowardly psychics, brain-drained inventors and a menagerie of other fantastical inhabitants.
Viewers familiar with L. Frank Baum’s storyline will delight in the dozens of clever ways in which this new interpretation echoes the old. Yet, unlike anything the author imagined a century ago, the Ozian realm portrayed in Tin Man is much further over the rainbow than ever before

Plunged headlong into another world, DG must discover her true identity,battle evil winged-monkey-bats, and attempt to fulfill her destiny.Her perilous journey begins on the fabled Old Road that leads to a wizardknown as the Mystic Man. Along the way, she is joined by a decidedly strange trio of companions Glitch, an odd man missing half his brain, Raw, a quietly
powerful wolverine-like creature longing for inner courage, and Cain, a heroic former policeman (known in the O.Z. as Tin Men, for their tin badges) seeking vengeance for his scarred heart. Ultimately, DG's destiny leads her to an emotional and terrifying showdown with the scintillatingly wicked sorceress Azkadellia, whose ties to DG are closer than anyone could have imagined. DG's life, as well as the very future of the O.Z., hangs in the balance

Chapter 1: Into The Storm

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Chapter 2: The Emerald

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Chapter 3: Tin Man

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